Local Music
December 26, 2017

You Need to be an Entrepreneur in the Music Business

You Need to be an Entrepreneur in the Music Business https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwCVDWW2dIg
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Drum Lesson
December 21, 2017

Beginners: Improve Your Drum Practice

The biggest theme I’ve noticed is that most people don’t know how to practice. Sourced: https://www.drumeo.com
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December 14, 2017

How Musicians Make Money from YouTube

According to Brian Botkiller, YouTube has turned into “the world’s jukebox.” Sourced: https://diymusician.cdbaby.com
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Drum Lesson
December 13, 2017

What You Need to Know About…Drumheads

Drumheads (or “skins,” as they’re sometimes called) have a history as old as the drum…
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