December 12, 2017

How to Take Care of Your Instruments in Crazy Weather

How to Take Care of Your Instruments in Crazy Weather
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December 12, 2017

“I’m Well on my Way to Paying off my House With Streaming Revenue”

How one instrumental guitarist is earning significant money from his streams on Spotify and Pandora.…
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December 7, 2017

5 Ways To Use Twitter Hashtags To Get Your MusicξDiscovered

There are a number of ways to use hashtags on Twitter. Sourced:
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December 6, 2017

Instagram for Bands: 10 Quick Tips to Promoting Your Music with Hip Images

Instagram is one of the best social tools for bands looking to promote their music Sourced:
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December 6, 2017

If You Play Out of Town, Don’t Forget Those Fans!

If You Play Out of Town, Don't Forget Those Fans!
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December 5, 2017

How to Practice Everyday

How to Practice Everyday By T. Perry Bowers                I started singing in bands when…
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December 5, 2017

How To Write A Music Business Plan

The biggest mistake artists make when it comes to procuring finances for their music ventures…
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December 4, 2017

Bands – Make it Easy for People to Contact You!

Bands - Make it Easy for People to Contact You!
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